Where Do Eagles Dare – special screening Saturday 11 April 3pm
Have you ever seen an eagle right up close? Do you know that eagles can fly up to 3 kilometres high in the sky? Have you ever wondered how difficult it would be to catch an eagle and fit a satellite tag to it without getting clawed to pieces? Ever visited the awe-inspiring deserts of Western Australia?
Where Do Eagles Dare, a stunning documentary, made by the passionate and talented Simon Cherriman, National Geographic Young Conservationist of the Year in 2010, is a wildlife film with a difference. Set largely in the amazing desert environment of central Western Australia, the film is the story of one man’s quest to fulfil a boyhood dream to satellite tag wedge-tailed eagles and follow their movements as they travel across Australia at altitudes of up to 3000m.
So much more than just a wildlife film, Where Do Eagles Dare will be screened at the James Theatre on Saturday 11 April at 3pm. Simon will be there to introduce the film and answer questions afterwards. Dungog’s expert taxidermist, Vivian Barbeau, will bring along her magnificently preserved wedgetail for all to see up close one of these magnificent birds.